Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sovereigns Cup

Same Old Story, the boat I sail on, did really well in The Sovereigns Cup. It was a tough battle but in the end we came on the top of the scoreboard for IRC Class 1. For the non-sailors out there IRC is a handicap system that allows different types to compete against each other.

One day in particular was incredibly tough with the highest wind speed we noted being 33 knts, probably the windiest weather I've ever sailed in! We finished 1st and 2nd on that day, even after the loss of our spinnaker pole (the black pole connected between the mast and the purple sail in the pictures below). Another consequence of this much wind was we had fantastic broach which can be seen in the pictures below. The pictures are thanks to Robert Bateman who took some great photo's at the event.

Myself and Peter setting up for a gybe.

Midway through the gybe.

The gybe is just finished but the broach wasn't in the plan. That's me hanging on for dear life. John ended up in the drink with everyone else except for me nearly joining him, at least we can see now that the diver did a good job cleaning the bottom of the boat. It is incredible to see that the spinnaker has almost completely inverted, I'm glad someone caught it on camera!

Finaly here's another great picture with us chasing the X-35 that gave us some incredible competiton on and off the water. This is Robert Batemans again but this time taken from a helicopter.

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